Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nonie and Poppie

Poppie and Lily

Nonie and Lily

Lily's First Visitors!

So Nonie and Poppie came to visit us this past weekend arriving on Saturday and leaving just this morning. : (

Lily enjoyed spending quality time with nonie and poppie and mom and dad appreciated all the help! We went out for breakfast on Sunday and little Lily slept right through the whole thing. (Thank Goodness!) We watched the Red Sox win the world series (with Lily's help) and even took a trip to the bigger mall out here. (although she did require some snacks while at the mall)
Today is mom's first day alone with Lily and as I type this, she is fast asleep in her little swing. It will be hard not having nonie and poppie here to hold her, feed her or change her while I am trying to do something else... Guess I am going to have to bribe Dewey to pitch in.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Already a Red Sox Fan

Lily bringing super-duper, sweet luck to the Red Sox for game 1 of the 2007 World Series.... Helping them win 13 to 1!

It's a girl!

After two long days in the hospital waiting for my cervix to give the go ahead, we finally had a baby and a girl at that! Whooo hoooo, Lily Sofia made an appearence on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at 12:29 p.m.. Weighing in at 8 lbs 13.5 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. What a beautiful little girl she is! Her favorite things so far are sleeping on mommy or daddy and of course eating! We aren't quite sure what her big brother Dewey thinks about her yet... He has learned to ignore her crying and once in a while he will sniff her but that's about it. He definitely is feeling the pinch from less lap time when someone is holding her and he will do his best pouty face.

We are getting the hang of night time with her but she does not like sleeping upstairs! Hopefully we can get her over that cuz couch sleeping in not the most comfortable!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Due Date Doctors Appointment...

So we went to the doctors today for our 40 week appointment... We were hoping and hoping that we could set an induction date since I will be past due tomorrow. However, that was wishful thinking. Turns out they won't set a date unless you are approximately 4 cm dialated and well, I am only 1 cm. So we have another appointment next Monday where they will do an ultrasound and bunch of other things to make sure baby still has enough fluid around it and all that good stuff and from there they will decide what will be done. Unless of course, little Baby Fav decides that it is ok to come and play before then! Keep your fingers crossed...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The First Post

I have decided to creat this blog as a place where our friends and family can come and check out new happenings with us and baby Fav. (if baby Fav ever decides to make an appearence, that is) As of right now it seems as though BF won't be here till Christmas... There have been a few pains on and off for the last couple of days but as soon as they really start to hurt a bit, they then disappear for the rest of the day. (what a tease)