Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chicago, Fathers Day and Lock Down!!

On our way to Chicago...
Daddy and Lil at lunch, dining al fresco.
Lily was trying on Abby's sunglasses!
Abby and her daddy (John)!
Kell and Abby

The Hayes Family!!!
The girls hanging out on the bed...
"What, we weren't doing anything..."

Lily and daddy checking out the boats below
The Favreau Family
Yes, that is daddy sitting Lil on the edge to look at boats!

Abby and her mommy!
Daddy protecting his head from the sun

Relaxing on navy pier...
The girls lunching on the pier...

Same sweaters, but not the same shirts and no, they aren't twins...(we were asked that questions several times!)

Lily's first time on a carousel and a horsey!

Petting the pretty mane...
Don't I look so cute in my polo?

Lily and daddy at the zoo.

Getting ready to leave the zoo and get some ice cream!
ha ha, I'm touching Dewey!

I think the celtics were losing....
"you can't really see, but I am now resting my leg on Dewey..."

"he's mine and i can do what I want with him, even if it means he's a pillow"

Lunching in Ann Arbor, Father's Day weekend
ha ha I have mommy's coaster
UofM Stadium

It's tough having to walk all over Ann Arbor!
She had people laughing at this sleep position!
It's Father's Day!!! Of course all the kids have to gather around for presents!

Lily wants to help
Dewey always wondering if there might be food involved...
As you can see by his face, there wasn't

Yeah! I love curley string!
And of course the paper!

Ummm I don't think this bag can hold me
Lily was trying to pull herself up last week (6-18-08), so we had to drop her matress down...and she was still trying to pull herself up!

Now she looks like she's in a cage!! ha ha

Please don't feed the animals!

Lily once again missing all the fun! 6-21-08
Daddy ran a 5K race and Lil and mommy walked it...Lily left mommy to walk by herself when she crashed 5 minutes into the walk. This is Lil and dad post race!