Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy

Here is a video of Lil showing off for the camera in her jumperoo. She is becoming quite the little jumper...

She even bounces on command.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Visit with Nonie and Great Nanie!

Tubby time with Nonie

Playing with Great Nanie on the couch


Here's the show-off peacock at the zoo

Isn't he pretty?
And then he decides to 'moon' us!
Little Lil conked out about three quarters of the way thru

The big tiger

Four generations of women in our family!

Dewey hoping someone will throw his ball!

Daddy, Lil and mommy!
Here is Lil getting ready to eat applesauce for the first time (4/13/08)
Not sure what she thinks...

She opened up wide for this one!
The faces she made were as if the applesauce was tart. She would close her eyes and kind shrug up her shoulders.
Hanging out in the exersaucer!

Having a good old time, of course!

Dewey watching Lil having a good old time...
Last weekend we had Nonie and Great Nanie come out and visit with us! We had a wonderful time and Lily really enjoyed the one on one time she got to spend with them. We went to the really nice mall out here (about an hour away from here - heading towards Detroit) on Friday and then went out for dinner. On Saturday we went to the zoo, as it was a beautiful day and had a great time looking at the animals. Lily's favorite was the big asian cat things (not sure what they were but looked like giant house cats). We miss them and can't wait to see them again.